Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Acquisitions

1. A Long Way Gone by Ishamel Beah
2. The Lanahan Readings in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties 2nd Ed. Edited by David M. O'Brien
3. Journalism 2.0: How to survive and thrive by Mark Briggs
4. A Short Guide to Writing About History 6th Ed by Richard Marius and Melvin Page
5. Constitutional Law study guide 11th Ed by Jacqueline Kanovitz and Michael Kanovitz
6. cinematography: Theory and Practice, Image Making for Cinematographers, Directorsm and Videographers by Blain Brown
7. Emmeline: The Orphan of the Castle by Charlotte Smith
8. The Delicate Distress: Elizabeth Griffith (Cynthia Booth Ricciardi and Susan Staves, Editors)
9. Reports from the Fields (Liberal Learning and the Arts and Science Major Vol. 2)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Diet Coffee Anyone?

While dining at a restaurant tonight I heard a lady say to the waitress, "May I have a diet coffee, please." 

Now that's a new market. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Farmers' Museum, Cooperstown, New York

July 4, 2010

Concert by Pittsford Canal

It has been a wonderful tradition in Pittsford,NY by  holding concerts by the Erie canal. It's free  to the public.

Ooops, senior citizens day.

Camera-shy David.

The band.

Do the grind gram.

Swing it! You've got new knees!

Grampa showing gram his new hips are worth it.

The Artist in David

David recently became busy with crafts that he trekked the store for materials and ended up making one of these:

Maybe he will have his own show in the future.  He'll compete with Martha Stewart.