Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Post Birthday Message

Now, I have two birthdays. The records department of the hospital where I was born messed up with my birth records. It wasn't revealed until I applied for a passport. My poor mother had to travel from Bacolod to Bais City to clear the matter. However, we have to subject ourselves to court proceedings and retained the May 16 date listed in my birth certificate. My March 16 birthday, which I have celebrated for about 30 years, was abandoned.

I've always told my parents that maybe I was adopted. Of course they denied such thing and called me crazy. Well, my father's crazy over automobiles and I am not. However, I have my mother's nose and her powerful snore. I can't seem to connect the puzzle.

Anyway, I received two cards from Bacolod last May. One from my family, the other from my Sun.Star Bacolod family. Thanks guys. I miss you na and I hope you do miss me, too.

Thank you also to Miss Michelle who sent me a greeting thru e-mail. Wasn't it wonderful?

Love to you all!

* * *
It pays to have two birthdays as I received gifts on two different occasions from David. And also he also took me out to dinner. He he


  1. Any day is a birthday when we feel refreshed or tired. Happy birthday, Nel! -- Michelle

  2. Miss Michelle!!!!!

    Thank you so much for the message. I do feel its my birthday whenever I receive messages from friends like you. You are a blessing.

    (Next thing we know you're competing in SEA Games after you took fencing lessons)

    Thank you so much!
