Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Berry Picking

Last Saturday David and I went biking at Mendon Park. We did not know how big a park it was - with lots of trees and vast manicured lawns. We drove around the park several times before deciding to park the car near a pond.

We pedalled around and when we had enough we decided to go back to his car. On our way we saw a couple on the side of the road, picking something from the bushes and eating them. David and I decided to investigate. They were eating wild berries - the kind of berries we saw being sold at the public market for $2 a small tray. So David and I took the opportunity to help ourselves with the berries.

I ate a lot and didn't want to leave.

When we arrived home I rushed to check the bushes at the biking trail on his backyard if there were berries there. To my luck I found several. Now, I just need a basket and a red cape.

But David and I might need to go back to the park to pick some more berries.

Our effort to trim down, by biking, proved inutile. Whenever we arrive home from a biking "expedition" we open the refrigerator and take out whatever food we can munch with. Ice cream is the number one item on the list.
Instead of losing weight, David gained seven pounds. He'd been announcing that to his friends and his physician isn't impressed. His triglycerides was way beyond the range.
I'm even more sinful. When I arrived here in Rochester I only weigh 140 lbs. Last time I stepped on the machine I only weigh 150 lbs, now I am 160 lbs.

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