About last month David and I watched a segment on MTV (was it "Super Sweet Sixteen"?). They showed the preparation for the birthday party for a girl (probably of Mexican heritage, but that doesn't matter). She such a pain in the ass that I was ready to hurl something to the TV. She wanted it to be very expensive etc. She didn't like her gown. Her mother was "too kind" to let her act like a bitch I wished I could slap the mother. They didn't show her father (probably he was too embarassed to have such child). They shot a music video where she gyrated like a God-forsaken wild hippo, although a hippo is more adorable than her. One of the gifts her parents gave her was a new car (a Lexus convertible, about $65,000-$80,000). Well, the bad thing is, the day before the big day her mother surprised her at school by bringing the car on the parkway, with this marvelous ribbon wrapped around the car. The daughter screamed and shouted obscenity at her mother. I can still remember it: "That stupid, idiotic mother of mine!" All because she wanted the car to be delivered on the day of her party so everybody can see it. Well, the mother returned the car anyway. The party went through though. I told David that kid will end up in the hospital if she did that thing to mother in our country. If I was there by the time she went on a fit I would have banged her head on the wall. But the problem in America, if you do this to your kids you'd end up in jail for child abuse. That is why I am proud of those Filipino-American parents who raise their kids the Filipino way. But there are a few American parents who raised their kids well, by instilling the value of respecting their elders.