The interior of the bus.
However, it is quite annoying riding with these high school kids - not because they're black and speak the black language (I was assuming they would be taught to "master" the queen's English, but much of what I hear from their conversation was: "b***h," "sh_t," "f_ck," etc.) but they talk so loud and act like uncivilized people. No, I am not racist, but some kids just have to be taught manners.
On the other hand, I get scoops when they talk aloud. They don't care who hears their conversation anyhow.
Last Friday, they were talking 8 high school kids who were suspended. They were four of them talking - three boys and a girl. One of the boys - one whom I saw with another white girl making out on the bus last time (you know, they don't care if people are watching. No wonder Americans have problems with teen pregnancy) - said to the girl who just got on the bus, "You know what happened this week? Eight kids got suspended. I never heard such thing."
Our loverboy continued: "One of the teachers said she wanted to check on what the students were doing outside the class. They can't do that!"
The girl, clad in the tightest of jeans and adorned with jewelries like she owns a pawnshop, said, "What? Who got suspended? I got suspended for two weeks last time. I stayed at home and slept. Some white bitch stole my stuff in my locker..." And she narrated how she got involved.
The boys mentioned the names and the girl was quizzical who they were. Then when they mentioned a girl's name she said, "Oh, that bitch. I know her. What they were fighting about?"
Our loverboy said, "You know what it was."
Our pawnshop girl replied, "What? They fought over one dick? Just one dick?"
And the stories went on. I fell asleep during the duration of the trip. But this is just to give you a glimpse of what's happening on the bus. Somehow, I am saddened by the fact that this is going on. what am I going to say to my friends back home about American teens? Is this a good scenario?
I am not racist whatsoever. I am Asian. Americans will always ask you if the person you're referring to was a white or black person.
It's a pretty sad glimpse at the lives of young Americans, to be sure.